Established Patients

Medical Follow-ups

Policy for Surgical Follow-ups

  • We are going to stratify the Surgical Follow-ups in terms of clinical severity, to avoid delays in treating heavily symptomatic cases, or in case of complications.

Regular 6-month Post-Surgical Follow-ups

For regular post-surgical 6-month follow-up evaluations, without severe symptoms, and without complications, proceed with the following steps:

Surgical Follow-ups in cases of mild to moderate symptoms and/or minor complications

  • Write an email summarizing the current situation to the attention of Dr. Bolognese ([email protected]), Mr. Papadimas ([email protected]) and Ms. Pendergast ([email protected])
  • Send the applicable imaging by Dropbox to Dr. Bolognese ([email protected])
  • After imaging review, Dr. Bolognese will interact with you by email to gather more information
  • As function of the amount and the clinical relevance of the information to be documented, (for example: if surgery is needed), one of two following notes will be generated:

Surgical Follow-ups in cases of severe symptoms and/or complications)

In case of severe and unexpected problems (complications, new or recurrent severe symptoms, new or worsening neurological deficits), proceed with the following steps:

Research Follow-ups

The Research Team will reach you by email or phone, to gather clinical information, to be used for clinical research.